Can we drink Amul Gold tetra milk directly or we need to add sugar?

Can we drink Amul Gold tetra milk directly or we need to add sugar?
Ans: No if you don't like sugar to be added in tetra so you can drink it directly there is no restrictions to add sugar and all.
Basically gold tetra pack is is a container that comes with six layers of protection that keeps the milk away from contaminating,its depend on users that how you like to drink your Tetra milk if you want to add milk in this and then drink so there is no problem you can drink with sugar also it will never affect your health after adding sugar the reason Amul milk that comes in tetra packs are heated using UHT (ULTRA-HIGH TEMPERATURES) for few seconds and then immediately cooled down which makes it free from disease-causing microorganisms.
if you want to add sugar in this and then wanna drink you can there is no harm or any kind of restriction. 
What is Amul tetra pack?
Tetra Pak (plural Tetra Paks) A kind of food carton packed product, originally in the form of a tetrahedron but now primarily in the form of a rectangular cuboid.Tetra pack is a container that comes with six layers of protection that keeps the milk away from contaminating. Amul milk that comes in tetra packs are heated using UHT (ULTRA-HIGH TEMPERATURES) for few seconds and then immediately cooled down which makes it free from disease-causing microorganisms that is big reason to trust on this because it will never harm.
This is one of the source to get milk anywhere no matter where you are it taste same as like fresh milk.
is it safe to drink tetra pack milk?
yes it is safe to drink tetra pack.There is nothing wrong with milk in tetra packs. As a matter of fact is that the milk available in this kind of packaging is really the most valued milk available in the market because we can get it easily at any time and the biggest positive point is tetra Milk is absolutely safe and as it also tetra retains most of its nutritive value, it is good for your kids and adults in the family because of its packing is so good.

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