What is Database management system?

Marks 5/7

What is Database management system?       

     Any smallest piece of information in a database is Called as data. In Simple words data can be facts related to any abject in concentration.

for example:

   your name, age, height, Weight an object for instance a person. A picture, image, file, PDF, etc. can also be Considered As data. Data means fact that can be recorded and that have implicit meaning. These facts Can be text, number, voice or images.

what is database management system?
what is database management system?

What is Information?:

     Information is data which has implied meaning to give knowledge about something is Called information.

what is Database?:

       A database is a Systematic collection of data. Database Support storage and manipulation of data. Database is a Collection of related data and data is a collection of all facts and figure that can be process to produce information.

  •      Data processes following properties:

A. Modeling the real world that is any Change in the real world is reflected in the database.

B. It is logically related data which is formed by Same technique of sorting that is it Should not be random.

C. There should be a group of users for whom database is created.


A. For example An online telephone directory would definitely use database to store data related to people. phone numbers Other Contact details, etc.


B. For example Facebook also needs to store, manipulate(handle) and present data related to members, their friends, member activities, message, advertisement and lot more.

This is the full answer of what is database management system. This question will come for 5 marks or 7 marks so you have to write all the above points in a sequence in your exam.

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